Sunday, 27 December 2009

C's Best Expression

My friend C has some wonderful catchphrases that, more than anyone else I've ever come across, summarise her personality and worldview.

A sample:
- "Off the hook" (surpassing expectations)
- "Superchill"
- "Supersmart"
- "Supersolid" (a dependable person of good judgement)
- "I'm a yes" (I am open-minded and non-judgemental; I am open to new experiences)
- "Bring it"
- He/she has "got skills"
- "Awesome"
- "Right on" (often used to show support of anothers' position or actions)
- Edgy
- Into that

A few more suggestion from C herself:
- On point
- What's your damage?
- "Tight situation"; as in: 'Eating at that Indian restaurant Rasa was a tight situation' or 'That girl's dress is a tasty situation'
- Rock it, bite it, suck it,
- Drop into it
- Radical maneuver...

Monday, 21 December 2009

Car Accident iPhone App

Innovative US insurer Nationwide now has an iPhone app available whether you are a customer or not.

It talks you through what to do after an accident, from calling emergency services to taking photos.

More here.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Problems with Future Predictions

Future trend predictions are rarely accurate because, according to the Wall Street Journal:

1. Present trends almost never continue. Straight-line extrapolation, perhaps the most common form of prediction, may also be the worst method. Extrapolations have variously foretold the end of all oil supplies etc. In reality, trends almost always generate their own countertrends. Societies are unbelievably adept at adapting. People are incredibly good at learning. And everything changes, including rates of change.
2. Every prediction suffers from situational bias, i.e. predictions are influenced by the time period in which they are made. The futurists of the 1950s could easily imagine astronauts working on the moon, but not their own wives working outside the home.
3. We are influenced by commercial and politics interests. Those who came closest to the mark about the year 2000 were detached professional futurists.
4. The future begins in the present. It is not a detached leap.

But however outlandish, fallacious and inaccurate the exercise, predicting the future widens our horizons and deepens our capacity to imagine.

Source: Adapted from Wall Street Journal,